Photo Tips...

If you live in Östergötland, Hälsingland or parts in between, 
I can arrange to take photos myself of the pets to be painted; 
otherwise, please send lots of photos (both side and front views), 
taken at the same level as the model's face 
in natural but not harsh light.

For instance an overcast day is perfect if outside, otherwise beside the window in an already well lit room is ideal too. No photos with flashes, please, unless they are outnumbered by non-flash photos. 

The main idea is to allow me to see how the light falls across the animal 
so I can replicate the 3-dimensional 
aspects of the fur and face in the painting.

Also, it is much better if the model is sitting rather than 
lying down or standing on all 4's, 
but bonus points are given for photos of them standing on their back 2 legs. 

Additionally, it is better to take a photo a little further away
that can be zoomed in on to avoid distorting the nose, 
unless a distorted nose is actually desired.

Good luck! :)

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